Top viewTO POWER SWFig. 6-3 Power Transformer Connectiong1}cf}LateLt:‘|{aql)eH|D5,D6 Connector#6RFunitFig. 6-2 Enabling WARC Bands6.6 AC VOLTAGE CONVERSION FROM120V TO 220V OR 240V(U.S.A.) (Fig. 6-3)To operate the TS-530 on 220 or 240V AC, the powertransformer split primaries must be rewired from parallelto series connection.Nsae3.Unplug the AC power cable.Remove the bottom cover.Remove the jumper wires between the two ¢ terminalsand two 120 terminals on the bottom of the powertransformer.. Connect the adjacent 120 and ¢ terminals at the middleof the transformer. This will provide 240V AC opera-tion. For 220V AC operation, connect the adjacent 120to ¢ winding and move the white lead and bypass capsfrom 120 to 100 terminal.. Change the AC fuse from 6A to 4A. Tag the powercord at the back of the radio to indicate that the trans-former is strapped for 240V AC, and the power fuseshould be 4A, and not 6A.(AC voltage conversion: From 120V to 220V or 240V. Replace the bottom cover and reconnect power to ver-ify your work.6.7 TS-530 ANALOG DIAL ADJUSTMENTle Turn the main dial fully CCW. The red cursor shouldline up with the VFO start mark on the sub-dial. If itdoes not, remove the main knob (2 mm allen), loosenand line 12 mm nut up the scale start point to the redcursor.. Turn the main knob to 50 kHz analog. Adjust the alu-minumslipsub-dialtolineup withany oneofthe largerblackdialmarks..Notethedigitalerror:IfitisMOREthan2 kHzadjusttheVFOtrimmercapTC1(frontunderthesealtape)toexactly50.0on thedigitalreadout..Turnthemainknobto450analog.Ifthedigitalerrorislessthan2 kHzitisinspec.Ifthedigitalerrorisgreater,proceed:For instance if the digital error is 14.454.0 (plus 4 kHz),multiply the error times 4 (16 kHz) and adjust the VFOtimmer cap to the desired frequency (14.450.0) LESSthe error, or 14.434.0. Next adjust the VFO inductor L3(center under the seal tape) back up to the desired fre-quency of 14.450.0..Iftheerrorinstep4 wasintheminusdirection,reversethe direction of the correction adjustment in step 4..VFOlinearityfinalcheck:Thedigitalreadout andana-log dial should agree to within +2 kHz at every 100kHz dial point.27