@ PHONE PATCHPC-1A: (Available only where phone patch operation is le-gal.)Hybrid phone patch with VU meter for null and au-dio gain measurements.The PC-1A Phone Patch provides connection bet-ween a transceiver and a telephone line. (FCCType — accepted)Providing excellent peformance, it is designedwith high isolation between receive input andtransmit output.Its compact design permits easy installation in alimited space.mg HEAD PHONESHS-4: 8 Qcommunications headphones.HS-5: Deluxe 8.2 headphone set.HS-6: Deluxe 12.5 Qlightweight headphone set.HS-7: 16.2 micro headphones.PC-1Amg MICROPHONEMC-50, MC-60,MC-60A, MC-80, etc.....Desk Top Microphone (50 k.2/500.Q)MC-35S: Noise Cancelling Hand Microphone (50 kQ)MC-30S: Noise Cancelling Hand Microphone (500 Q)@ FILTERSSB: YK-88SN : 1.8 kHz SSB filterCW: YK-88C : 500 Hz CW filteYK-88CN : 270 Hz CW filtermw DIGITAL WORLD CLOCKHC-10:The HC-10 is a highly advanced world clock with dualdisplay which can memorized 10 world major citiesand 2 additional regions.gw KB-1Deluxe flywheel VFO tuning knob.@ AL-2An arrester which handles 1 kW output at 502 with« _SO-239 connector.HC-10MC - 50/MC - 60A/MC - 8022