4.5 DIGITAL DISPLAY CALIBRATIONConnect the antenna and set the BAND switch to WWV.Turn the main tuning dial to receive 10 MHz WWV. Turnon the calibrator. Adjust the dial until a low-frequencybeat is heard. A marker signal will be superimposed on theWWYV signal. A double beat (two beat signals of high andlow frequencies) will now be heard. Adjust the IF shift forlow AF response. While receiving this double beat, adjustthe Standard oscillator trimmer through the reference fre-quency adjustment access opening (on the bottom of theTS-530) so the two beats are heard as a single beat. Re-peat this procedure 2 or 3 times. This completes calibra-tion of the Digital Display. After calibration turn of theCAL switch.Access (STD.OSC.F.ADJ)ec ©Insulated tuning toolFig. 4-13 Digital Display Calibration4.6 ANALOG DIAL CALIBRATIONThedialscaleisgraduatedat1kHzintervals.Onerevolu-tion ofthemaindialcovers25kHz.Tocalibratethescale,turnONthecalibrator.Zero-beatineitherSSBorCWmode.Holdthemaintuningknobfromrotatingandslipthe calibrationringtothenearestmajor(5kHz)gradua-tion.Thedialisnowcalibrated.NOTE:For exact frequency, read the Digital Display.Fig. 4-14 Analog Dial CalibrationSECTION 5. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES5.1 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIESThe following optional accessories are available for usewith the TS-530.@ REMOTE VFOVFO-240:The VFO-240 is an all solid-state VFO with high stabil-ity, designed to match the TS-530 in design and per-formance.The T-F switch makes it possible to check the trans-mit frequency while in the receiving mode.VFO-230:The VFO-230 digital VFO provides maximum effi-ciency and flexibility for all operating conditions, in-cluding split-frequency operation, by combining a 20Hz step digital VFO with five memories.@ ANTENNA TUNERAT-230:The AT-230 antenna tuner includes the three newbands and such functional features as a through-linewattmeter, SWR meter and antenna selector switch.AT-250:Covers all amateur bands including the new WARCband from 1.8 through 28 MHz.20m EXTERNAL SPEAKERSP-230:The SP-230 is a low-distortion speaker with selecta-ble frequency response for high intelligibility in anymode. The frequency response is determined by thebuilt-in audio filters, which are effective in improvingsignal-to-noise ratio under certain interference condi-tions, or when receiving weak signals.@ LINEAR AMPLIFIERTL-922/922A:The TL-922 is an HF linear amplifier operating atmaximum legal power, and employing a pair of3-500Z high performance transmitting tubes.@ STATION MONITORSM-220:Based on a wide-frequency-range oscilloscope (up to10 MHz), the SM-220 station monitor features, in co-mination with a built-in two-tone generator, a widevariety of waveform-observing capabilities.