(1) SSB OPERATIONTune the TS-530 as described in steps 1 through 9. Setthe MODE switch per Table 4-2, to USB or LSB and con-nect a microphone to the MIC input.NOTE:International Amateur practice dictates using USB or LSBas shown in Table 4-2.To operate SSB, connect a microphone. (The Key andCARRIER control have no effect in SSB mode.) Place theMODE switch to SSB, METER switch to ALC. Adjust theMIC gain control for an on-scale ALC reading on voicepeaks. (Disregard RF and Ip meter redings in SSB-they arenot accurate or relevant.)1.8 MHz Band3.5 MHz Band7 MHz Band10 MHz Band14 MHz Band18 MHz Band21 MHz Band24.5 MHz Band28 MHz BandTABLE 4-2 Mode By Band@ PTT (Push to talk) OPERATIONBy using a microphone equipped with a PTT switch, thetransceiver is ready for PTT operation. To key, depress thePTT switch with the stand-by switch left in the REC posi-tion.NOTE: (For USA only)1. Transmission is not possible with the BAND switch set toAUX, 18 or 24.5.2. Do not transmit when the BAND switch is set to AUX or ismidway between AUX and 1.5. Doing so will damage the12BY7A driver tube.4.4 TRANSMISSION (II)To obtain maximum transmitter performance from yourTS-530 you should understand the proper operation of thefollowing controls and switches.18(1) SPEECH PROCESSORInDX(longdistance) operation,itmaybedesirabletoin-creased talk-powerbyusingthespeechprocessor.The speech processor in the TS-530 combines an audiocompression amplifier with changes in ALC time constantto provide extra audio punch and to increase average SSBoutput power, while suppressing sideband splatter. Toactivate, turn on the PROC switch, and readjust mic gain.Operated as described, distortion will be minimum. How-ever, tone quality will be affected. It is therefore advis-able to conduct normal operation with the processor dis-abled.When a high-output microphone is used, input overloadand distortion will result. To prevent this, use an attenua-tor in the microphone circuit as shown below, or connect a10 — 33 kQ resistor (depending on microphone used)across the microphone input. (“Normal mic control set-ting should be approximately 12 O'clock).10k — 33 kQ (depending on microphone used.)from microphone to the MIC connecter10k2(2) VOX (Voice Operated Transmit) OPERATIONAdjust the transceiver as described in the previous para-graph. Flip the VOX switch on and while speaking into themicrophone, increase the VOX GAIN control until the VOXrelay just operates. For VOX operation it is sometimes de-sireable to close-talk the microphone to prevent back-ground noises from tripping the transmitter.Check that the ALC reading for voice peaks is still withinrange on the meter. If necessary, adjust the MIC controlfor proper ALC reading.If the VOX circuit is activated by speaker output, adjust theANTI-VOX control (on the rear panel) as necessary forproper VOX operation.Do not use excessive VOX or ANTI VOX gain more thannecessary to control VOX operation. If the VOX circuittransfers between words, or holds too long, adjust the re-lease time constant by the DELAY control.