2.4 MICROPHONEAttach the microphone connector to a suitable micro-phone, as shown in Figure 2-1. Be sure the microphonePTT switch is separate from the microphone circuit, asshown. It should be noted that a microphone with a 3Pplug using a common ground terminal should not be used.The microphone input is designed for 5002 ~ 50kQ mi-crophones. The choice of microphone is important forgood speech quality, and should be given serious considera-tion. The crystal lattice filter in the transceiver provides allthe restriction necessary on audio response, and furtherrestriction in the microphone is not reqired. It is more im-portant to have a microphone with a smooth, flat responsethroughout the speech range.Follow the microphone manufacturer's instructions forconnecting the microphone cable to the plug. With manymicrophones, the push-to-talk switch must be pressed tomake microphone audio available. For VOX operation, thisunwanted feature may be eliminated, if desired, by open-ing the microphone case and permanently connecting thecontacts which control the microphone audio.Standard microphone sensitivity is within the range of—50 dB to —60 dB. If a microphone having a higher sen-sitivity is used, the ALC and compressor circuits will notfunction properly. In this case, insert in the mike line an at-tenuator as shown in Fig. 2-1c. A typical MIC gain controlsetting is 12 o'clock. If you must run this control at 9 o’-clock or less, use an attenuator.2.5 KEYlf CW operation is desired, connect a key to the KEY jack.Ues shielded cable, and a standard (mono or 2P) phoneplug.2.6 EXTERNAL SPEAKER ANDHEADPHONESReceive audio output from the TS-530 is 1.5 watts at 4 to16 ohms. The TS-530 has a built-in speaker jack on therear panel. The speaker may be an 8-ohm permanent-magnet type, 4 inches or larger. The internal speaker isdisconnected when an external speaker is used. Head-phones should also be 4 to 16 ohms impedance orgreater. When headphones are connected to the front-panel PHONES jack, the speake is disabled.2.7 GROUNDTo prevent electric shock, and reduce the possibility of TVIand BCI, connect the transceiver to a good earth groundthrough as short and heavy a lead as possible.2.8 ANTENNAAny of the common antenna systems designed for use onthe high frequency amateur bands may be used with theTS-530 provided the input impedance of the transmission”line is not outside the capability of the pi-output matchingnetwork. The transmission line should be coaxial cable.An antenna system which shows a standing wave ratio ofless than 2:1 when using 50 or 75 ohm coaxial transmis-sion line, or a system that results in a transmission line in-put impedance that is essentially resistive, and between15 and 200 ohms will take power from the transceiverwith little difficulty. If openwire of balanced type trans-mission line is used with the antenna, a suitable antennatuner with balun is recommended between the transceiverand the feedline. Methods of construction and operatingsuch tuners are described in detail in the ARRL AntennaHandbook, and similar publications. For operation on the160, 75 and 40 meter bands, a simple dipole antenna, cutto resonance in the most used portion of the bands, willperform satisfactorily. For operation of the transceiver onthe 10, 15 and 20 meter bands, the efficiency of the sta-tion will be greatly increased if a good directional rotaryantenna is used. Remember that even the most powerfultransceivr is useless without a proper antenna.CAUTION:Protect your Equipment—Use a LIGHTING ARRESTOR.The KENWOOD AL-2 is recommended.