Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 31Recommended Programming Techniques 2This register is read by the CONDition? SCPI commands.Transition Filters: A positive transition filter allows an event to be reportedwhen a condition changes from false to true. A negative transition filterallows an event to be reported when a condition changes from true tofalse. Setting both positive and negative filters true allows an event to bereported anytime the condition changes. Clearing both filters disablesevent reporting.This register is set and read by the NTRansition[?] and PTRansition[?] SCPIcommands.Event Register: An event register latches transition events from thecondition register as specified by the positive and negative transitionfilters. Bits in the event register are latched and once set, they remain setuntil cleared by either querying the register contents or sending the *CLScommand.This register is read by the EVENt? SCPI commands.Event Enable Register: An enable register specifies the bits in the eventregister that can generate a summary bit. Summary bits are, in turn, usedby the next higher register.This register is set and read by the ENABle[?] SCPI commands.The registers work together as follows:1 The Condition Register corresponds to a condition on the hardware orin the software. If the monitored condition is present, thecorresponding bit is high.2 The Transition Registers monitor changes in the Condition Register. Ifthe Positive Transition Register is configured to watch for a condition,when this condition occurs and the bit in the Condition Register goeshigh, the Positive Transition Register passes this event to the EventRegister.3 If this bit is enabled in the Event Enable Register, a summary bit isgenerated in the next higher register. For the higher register, this is theCondition Register and the event is handled the same way asdescribed here.