372 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide5 SCPI Command Reference:PLUGin:JTOLerance:INSTruments:GENerator[?]Syntax :PLUGin:JTOLerance:INSTruments:GENerator ‘identifier’,:PLUGin:JTOLerance:INSTruments:GENerator? ‘identifier’InputParameters‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name.: Specify the location identifier or group name identifier.Return Range Description This command is used to select the pattern generator module/channel forthe jitter tolerance measurement. The location-string refers to either alocation name or a group name identifier associated with a measurementname identifier.This SCPI is applicable for M8041A, M8051A, M8061A, M8062A andM8046A.Example :PLUG:JTOL:INST:GEN ‘MyMeasurement’,‘M1.DataOut1’:PLUGin:JTOLerance:INSTruments:ANALyzer[?]Syntax :PLUGin:JTOLerance:INSTruments:ANALyzer ‘identifier’,:PLUGin:JTOLerance:INSTruments:ANALyzer? ‘identifier’InputParameters‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name.: Specify the location identifier or group name identifier.Return Range Description This command is used to select the analyzer (error detector)module/channel for the jitter tolerance measurement. The location-stringrefers to either a location name or a group name identifier associated witha measurement name identifier.This SCPI is applicable for M8041A, M8051A, M8061A, M8062A andM8046A.Example :PLUG:JTOL:INST:ANAL ‘MyMeasurement’,‘M1.DataIn1’