328 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide5 SCPI Command Reference:PLUGin:OTIMing:FETCh[:JITTer][:TOTal]:DJITter?Syntax :PLUGin:OTIMing:FETCh[:JITTer][:TOTal]:DJITter? ‘identifier’[,‘Location’]InputParameters‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name.[‘Location’]: Specify location (optional).Return Range Description This command returns the total jitter component with non-Gaussiandistribution (deterministic jitter) associated with a specific measurementname identifier. After transforming a contiguous range of measured pointsinto Q space and performing a linear regression, it is calculated as theperiod minus the difference between the means of the two straight lines.This SCPI is applicable for M8041A, M8051A, M8062A and M8046A.A measurement run on a location identifier (for example, ‘M1.DataIn1’) willreturn following result.Example :PLUG:OTIM:FETC:DJIT? ‘MyOutputTiming’,‘M1.DataIn1’:PLUGin:OTIMing:FETCh[:JITTer][:TOTal]:ESTimated?Syntax :PLUGin:OTIMing:FETCh[:JITTer][:TOTal]:ESTimated?‘identifier’[,‘Location’]InputParameters‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name.[‘Location’]: Specify location (optional).Return Range Description This command returns an estimate of the expected jitter for very low biterror rates associated with a specific measurement name identifier. Afterextrapolating the measured BER curves, it is calculated as the periodminus the expected width of the eye opening.This SCPI is applicable for M8041A, M8051A, M8062A and M8046A.A measurement run on a location identifier (for example, ‘M1.DataIn1’) willreturn following result.Example :PLUG:OTIM:FETC:EST? ‘MyOutputTiming’,‘M1.DataIn1’