Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 439SCPI Command Reference 5:PLUGin:CCAPture:DELeteSyntax :PLUGin:CCAPture:DELete ‘identifier’InputParameters‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name to delete.Description This command deletes a previously created compare and capturemeasurement addressed by the measurement name identifier.This SCPI is applicable for M8041A and M8051A.Example The following example deletes a compare and capture measurementaddressed by the measurement name identifier called ‘MyMeasurement’::PLUG:CCAP:DEL ‘MyMeasurement’:PLUGin:CCAPture:NEWSyntax :PLUGin:CCAPture:NEW ‘identifier’InputParameters‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name.Description This command creates a new compare and capture measurement nameidentifier.This SCPI is applicable for M8041A and M8051A.Example The following example creates a compare and capture measurement nameidentifier called ‘MyMeasurement’::PLUG:CCAP:NEW ‘MyMeasurement’:PLUGin:CCAPture:RESetSyntax :PLUGin:CCAPture:RESet ‘identifier’InputParameters‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name to reset.Description This command resets a compare and capture measurement addressed bythe measurement name identifier.This SCPI is applicable for M8041A and M8051A.Example The following example resets a compare and capture measurementaddressed with the measurement name identifier called ‘MyMeasurement’::PLUG:CCAP:RES ‘MyMeasurement’