Keysight M8070A Programming Guide 441SCPI Command Reference 5[,]: ON | OFF | 0 | 1Optional flag is a boolean parameter which specifies if an existing patternfile should be overwritten or not.Description The currently uploaded pattern is stored into the specified file on the harddisk.This SCPI is applicable for M8041A and M8051A.Example The following example saves a compare and capture measurement withthe measurement name identifier called ‘MyMeasurement’::PLUGin:CCAPture:SAVE "MyMeasurement", "M1.Datain1","current:CapData":PLUGin:CCAPture:SAVE "MyMeasurement", "M1.Datain1","current:CapData",1:PLUGin:CCAPture:TRIGger:IMMediate[:ONCE]Syntax :PLUGin:CCAPture:TRIGger:IMMediate[:ONCE]InputParameters‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name.'location' 'M*.DataIn1' or 'M*.DataIn2'Description This command simulates a stop event. Compare and capture is stoppedand the recorded data is uploaded into the measurement.This SCPI is applicable for M8041A and M8051A.Example PLUGin:CCAPture:TRIGger:IMMediate:ONCE ‘MyMeasurement’:PLUGin:CCAPture:SHOW:BIT[:PATTern][:VIEW][?]Syntax :PLUGin:CCAPture:SHOW:BIT:PATTern:VIEW 'identifier', ‘Mode’:PLUGin:CCAPture:SHOW:BIT:PATTern:VIEW? 'identifier'InputParameters‘identifier’: Specify the measurement name.‘Mode’: BIN|HEXReturn Range BIN|HEXDescription This command selects the bit pattern view mode viz. BIN|HEX.This SCPI is applicable for M8041A and M8051A.Example :PLUGin:CCAPture:SHOW:BIT:PATTern:VIEW 'MyMeasurement', BIN