384 Keysight M8070A Programming Guide5 SCPI Command Reference:PLUGin:JTOLerance:MSETup:CLAuto[?]Syntax :PLUGin:JTOLerance:MSETup:CLAuto ‘identifier’, :PLUGin:JTOLerance:MSETup:CLAuto? ‘identifier’InputParameters‘identifier’: ‘Specify the measurement name.: Enable/disable auto loop bandwidth.Return Range 1|0Description This command sets the external CDR loop bandwidth selection during aJitter Tolerance measurement. If AUTO state is ON, will set the CDR LBWbased on the jitter frequency. If AUTO state is OFF, CDR LBW is not alteredduring the measurement. The query returns the current auto mode state.This SCPI is applicable for M8041A, M8051A, M8061A, M8062A andM8046A.Example :PLUG:JTOL:MSET:CLA ‘MyMeasurement’,ON:PLUGin:JTOLerance:GRAPh?Syntax :PLUGin:JTOLerance:OLEVel? ‘identifier’[,DesiredWidth][,DesiredHeight][,][,][,1 |0][,’TabName’]InputParameters‘identifier’: Specify measurement name.Other optional parameters are:[,DesiredWidth]: Specify the desired width of the image.[,DesiredHeight]: Specify the desired height of the image.[,]: Specify whether the user wants to capture in currenttheme or wants to capture in white background.[,]: Specify the format of the image. The default format is PNG.[,1 | 0]: Specify whether to capture the graph with legends or not.[,’TabName’]: Specify the tab name on which the graph is supposed to becaptured.Description This query returns data of the image captured from the graph view of theplugin in the specified format.Example :PLUG:JTOL:GRAP? ‘MyMeasurement’,1000,800,CURR,PNG,1,Graph PreviousNext |