Magellan GPS 315/GPS 320 5Selecting Primary UsageA screen will be displayed asking your primary use for your receiver,MARINE or LAND. The default is MARINE.ENTERYou have completed the Initialization. The STATUS screen will appearon your receiver.The following chart shows the terminology that your receiver useswhile in land or marine mode. For purposes of this manual, it will beassumed that the receiver is in the marine mode.Land MarineSpeed SPD SOGBearing BRG BRGDistance DST DSTHeading HDG COGVelocity Made Good VMG VMGCourse To Steer CTS CTSEstimated Time of Arrival ETA ETATime To Go TTG ETECross Track Error XTE XTERecorded Position Landmark WaypointUnits of Measure MILES/MPH NM/KNOTSor KM/KPH