Magellan GPS 315/GPS 320 13Using the Plot ScreenThe PLOT screen is a mini map that shows where you havetraveled and where you want to travel. You can view theactive route, your current position and the other waypointsand destination in the PLOT screen.TO: FISHBRG351mDST3.52 mI2.0 mINHOMEFISH 2FISHDOCKBUOY°Distance toDestinationNorth IndicatorWaypoint IconCurrent PositionIconTrack HistoryPlot ScaleActive RouteDestination IconBearing toDestinationDestinationNameActive RouteIndicates the directionrequired to reach yourdestination.Plot Scale Can bechanged by using theleft/right arrows. Thescale ranges from .1 to200 miles.PAN-N-SCAN, anadditional feature,allows you to scrollthrough the PLOTscreen enabling youto create waypointsand GOTOs.Track HistoryAutomatically recordswhere you have been.