Magellan GPS 315/GPS 320 51Contacting MagellanIf after using the troubleshooting section, you are still unable to solveyour operation problems, please call Magellan’s Technical Service at(800) 707-9971.Representatives are available Monday through Friday from 7 AM to5 PM, PST. Faxes can be sent to Customer Service at (909) 394-7070.If necessary, you can also return your receiver to Magellan for repair(please call for assistance first). If possible, please notify us beforeshipping the receiver by Parcel Post or UPS and include a description ofthe problem, your name, address and a copy of your sales receipt. Ifyour return ship address is different, please indicate.Please return the enclosed registration card in order to have yourinformation on file.With all correspondence, please state the model of your receiver and ifcalling, please have your receiver with you.Packages should be sent to:Magellan Corporation960 Overland CourtSan Dimas, CA 91773ATTN: Warranty/RepairShipping Your ReceiverWhen shipping your receiver by air, loosen the battery door screw byturning the screw by 1/2 turn. This will prevent damage to thereceiver’s water seal during shipping due to pressure differences.