6 Magellan GPS 315/GPS 320Getting a Fixed PositionNow you should go outside in an area where you can get a clear view ofthe sky. The receiver will begin acquiring data from the satellites inview and will display the progress on the STATUS screen. Once thereceiver has computed a fixed position, the POSITION screen will bedisplayed.Saving Your WaypointOnce the receiver has computed your current position, you may save(MARK) this position as a waypoint.Saving Your Position with a Receiver-CreatedName.This is a fast way to save your position.MARKMARKSaving Your Position with a User-Created Name.MARK ENTER Enterdata MARKYou can save up to 500 waypoints in your receiver and refer back tothem at any time.Creating a GOTOA GOTO is a route that guides you from your current position to anywaypoint in the receiver’s memory.GOTO Selectwaypoint ENTERSelectcategory ENTERThis completes the Getting Started section.The following Basic Operation section will familiarizeyou with the NAV screens and more detailedfunctions.