40 Magellan GPS 315/GPS 320Viewing the Alarm/MSG MenuMENUDEFAULTSCLEAR MSGWAYPOINTSROUTESSETUPSUN/MOONFISH/HUNTCONTRASTALARM/MSG Selecting Alarm DefaultsAfter a memory clear, you may want to restore the alarmdefault settings.WPT NAMESOFFONWPT NAMESDEFAULTSRESTOREDEFAULTSETTINGS?YESNOWhile viewingAlarm/Msg screenSelectDEFAULTS ENTERSelectyes or no ENTERFIG.BClearing Alarm DefaultsThe message buffer may become cluttered with information.You can use the CLEAR MSG to delete the messages.WPT NAMESOFFONWPT NAMESCLR MSGCLEARALLMESSAGES?YESNOWhile viewingAlarm/Msg screenSelectCLEAR MSG ENTERSelectyes or no ENTERFIG.CWhile viewingAlarm/Msg screen MENU FIG .AFigure A. You canrestore the defaultsettings or clear allmessages.Figure B. Thescreen verifies theselection youmade.Figure C. Oncecleared you cannotretrieve thisinformation.Selecting LanguageUse the following steps to change the language (English,Spanish, German, Italian or Swedish) of the GPS 315 orGPS 320.From anynavigation screenSelectLANGUAGE ENTERSelectlanguage ENTERMENU