Magellan GPS 315/GPS 320 45Selecting Light TimerThe light timer is a power saving function that automati-cally turns the light off.WPT NAMESOFFONWPT NAMESOFFONWPT NAMESOFFONLIGHT TIMERALWAYS ON15 SECONDS30 SECONDS1 MINUTE2 MINUTES4 MINUTESMENU SelectSETUP ENTER ENTERSelecttime ENTERFIG.ESelectLIGHT TIMERSelecting the BeeperYou can select the options for when the beeper will sound.MENU SelectSETUP ENTER SelectBEEPER ENTERSelectbeeper ENTERFIG.FBEEPEROFFKEYS ONLYALARM ONLYKEYS /ALARMDefault setting: KEYS/ALARMSelecting PersonalizeWith the personalize function, you have the option ofinputting your name into the receiver.MENU SelectSETUP ENTER SelectPERSONALIZE ENTERSelecton or off ENTERIf ON is selected:Figure E. Once thetimer turns the lightoff, it can be turnedon with the nextkey press. Supposeyou select the timersetting for 30seconds. Press thelight key to turn thelight on, it remainslit. With the nextkey press, the lightturns on again for30 seconds. Thiscontinues until youturn the light or thereceiver off.Entername ENTERFigure F. You canchoose fromOFF, KEYSONLY, ALARMONLY andKEYS/ALARM.Default setting: ALWAYS ON