Magellan GPS 315/GPS 320 15WPT NAMESOFFONWPT NAMESWPT NAMESORIENTTRACK UPCOURSE UPNORTH UPTurning Plot Rings On or Off. You may want to estimatethe distance to a point on the plotter. To assist you, turn thePLOT RINGS option on. The distance between each plotring is equal to the scale, therefore, at most you will see aportion of 2 rings at one time.From PLOTscreen MENU SelectPLOT SETUP ENTERENTERSelectPLOT RINGSSelecton or off ENTERSetting Up Course Projection. You may want to knowwhere you will be after a specified period of time based onyour current speed and heading.WPT NAMESOFFONWPT NAMESWPT NAMESPROJECTIONOFF1 MINUTE2 MINUTES5 MINUTES10 MINUTESFrom PLOTscreen MENU SelectPLOT SETUP ENTERENTERSelectCOURSEPROJSelecttime ENTERFIG.BFrom PLOTscreen MENU SelectPLOT SETUP ENTERENTERSelectORIENTATIONSelectorientation ENTERFIG.AFigure A. Youcan choose fromTRACK UP(direction youare moving at thetop of thescreen),COURSE UP(destination ofthe current leg atthe top of thescreen) andNORTH UP(north at the topof the screen).Figure B. Youcan choosefrom OFF, 1, 2,5 and 10minutes.Setting Plotter Orientation.Setting Up the PlotterThis menu allows you to change the orientation, turn theplot rings on or off, set the course projection and set theplotter scale.A solid black line will appear starting from your positionto the projected position.