62 Magellan GPS 315/GPS 320GlossaryActive Leg The segment of a route currently being traveled.Altitude The current elevation above sea level.BRG Bearing. The compass direction from your positionto a destination, measured to the nearest degree.Buoy A navigation aid (usually found in marine charts) thatis floating in water. The position can vary dueto the magnitude and direction of the current.COG Course Over Ground. The direction the receiver ismoving. COG can be reported in true or magneticnorth values.Coordinates A unique numeric or alphanumeric description of theposition.CTS Course to Steer. The direction you should be travelingin order to return to the course while proceedingtowards the destination. It is a “compromise” coursebearing that projects from your current position to apoint on the courseline mid-way between a pointperpendicular to your position and the current legdestination waypoint.Datum Refers to the theoretical mathematical model of theearth’s sea level surface. Map makers may use adifferent model to chart their maps, so positioncoordinates will differ from one datum to another. Thedatum for the map you are using can be found in thelegend of the map. If you are unsure of which datumto use, use WGS84.Default The value or setting automatically chosen by the unitunless otherwise directed. Can be changed in Setup.DST Distance. Distance from position to destination.