Display Settings (cont’d) 47565 Press K or L to select an item, then pressENTER.● If you selected TV MODE, press K or L toselect a setting, then press ENTER.Choose 4:3 LETTER BOX if you want to see theentire, widened picture with black bars at the topand bottom of the screen. This looks like thepicture you see when watching movies in a theater.This setting is possible only if the DVD wasrecorded in the letterbox or widescreen format.Choose 4:3 PAN & SCAN for a full height picture,with both sides trimmed. Some companies refer tothis as reformatting the picture to fit your TVscreen and may call it the regular or normal format.● If you selected STILL MODE, press K or L toselect a setting, then press ENTER.This function allows you to adjust the quality of a stillimage.AUTO : The default setting.FIELD : Still images will be stabilized but coarse dueto the limited amount of data.FRAME : Quality of still images will be improved dueto the simultaneous output of two field databut the images can be unstabilized.6 Press SETUP to exit the menus.DISPLAYTV MODE4:3 LETTER BOX4:3 PAN & SCANOFFONONENTERTV MODEAUTOFIELDFRAMEDISPLAYSTILL MODEENTERSTILL MODET9103_8103UD_EN_0411 4/11/05 10:43 AM Page 47