1-3-1 T1102_SNSTANDARD NOTES FOR SERVICINGCircuit Board Indications1. The output pin of the 3 pin Regulator ICs isindicated as shown.2. For other ICs, pin 1 and every fifth pin areindicated as shown.3. The 1st pin of every male connector is indicated asshown.Instructions for Connectors1. When you connect or disconnect the FFC (FlexibleFoil Connector) cable, be sure to first disconnectthe AC cord.2. FFC (Flexible Foil Connector) cable should beinserted parallel into the connector, not at anangle.Pb (Lead) Free SolderWhen soldering, be sure to use the Pb free solder.Information about lead-free solderingPhilips CE is producing lead-free sets from 1.1.2005onwards.IDENTIFICATIONRegardless of special logo (not alwaysindicated)One must treat all sets fromonwards, according to the next rule:Serial Number gives a 9-digit. Digit 2&3 shows theWEEK, and digit 4 shows the YEAR.So from onwards=from 1 Jan 2005 onwardsImportant note: In fact also products of year 2004must be treated in this way as long as you avoidmixing solder-alloys (leaded/ lead-free). So best toalways use SAC305 and the higher temperaturesbelong to this.Due to lead-free technology some rules have to berespected by the workshop during a repair:• Use only lead-free solder alloy Philips SAC305 withorder code 0622 149 00106. If lead-free solder-paste is required, please contact the manufacturerof your solder-equipment. In general use of solder-paste within workshops should be avoided becausepaste is not easy to store and to handle.• Use only adequate solder tools applicable for lead-free solder alloy. The solder tool must be able• To reach at least a solder-temperature of 400°C,• To stabilize the adjusted temperature at the solder-tip• To exchange solder-tips for different applications.• Adjust your solder tool so that a temperature around360°C - 380°C is reached and stabilized at thesolder joint. Heating-time of the solder-joint shouldnot exceed ~ 4 sec. Avoid temperatures above400°C otherwise wear-out of tips will rise drasticallyand flux-fluid will be destroyed. To avoid wear-out oftips switch off un-used equipment, or reduce heat.Top ViewOut InBottom ViewInput510Pin 1Pin 1FFC CableConnectorCBA* Be careful to avoid a short circuit.1 Jan 2005015