2-3-1 MK14NMA_PCMECHANICAL ALIGNMENT PROCEDURESExplanation of alignment for the tape to correctly runstarts on the next page. Refer to the informationbelow on this page if a tape gets stuck, for example, inthe mechanism due to some electrical trouble of theunit.Service InformationA. Method for Manual Tape Loading/UnloadingTo load a cassette tape manually:1. Disconnect the AC plug.2. Remove the Top Case and Front Assembly.3. Insert a cassette tape. Though the tape will not beautomatically loaded, make sure that the cassettetape is all the way in at the inlet of the CassetteHolder. To confirm this, lightly push the cassettetape further in and see if the tape comes back out,by a spring motion, just as much as you havepushed in.4. Turn the LDG Belt in the appropriate directionshown in Fig. M1 for a minute or two to completethis task.To unload a cassette tape manually:1. Disconnect the AC plug.2. Remove the Top Case and Front Assembly.3. Make sure that the Moving guide preparations arein the Eject Position.4. Turn the LDG Belt in the appropriate directionshown in Fig. M1 until the Moving guidepreparations come to the Eject Position. Stopturning when the preparations begin clicking orcan not be moved further. However, the tape willbe left wound around the cylinder.5. Turn the LDG Belt in the appropriate directioncontinuously, and the cassette tape will beejected. Allow a minute or two to complete thistask.B. Method to place the Cassette Holder in the tape-loaded position without a cassette tape1. Disconnect the AC Plug.2. Remove the Top Case and Front Assembly.3. Turn the LDG Belt in the appropriate directionshown in Fig. M1. Release the locking tabs shownin Fig. M1 and continue turning the LDG Belt untilthe Cassette Holder comes to the tape-loadedposition. Allow a minute or two to complete thistask.Moving guide T preparation(Eject Position)LDG BeltPush the locking tab gently to unlockwhen loading without a cassette.Side ViewMoving guide S preparation(Eject Position)Push the tapeto load it.UNLOAD/EJECTLOADFig. M1Top ViewCam GearLDG Belt (B)UNLOAD/EJECTFig. M2Bottom View