2-4-2 N2466FTDA(1): Follow steps in sequence. When reassembling, follow the steps in reverse order.These numbers are also used as identification (location) No. of parts in the figures.(2): Indicates the part to start disassembling with in order to disassemble the part in column (1).(3): Name of the part(4): Location of the part: T = Top, B = Bottom, R = Right, L = Left(5): Figure Number(6): Identification of parts to be removed, unhooked, unlocked, released, unplugged, unclamped, or desoldered.P = Spring, W = Washer, C = Cut Washer, S = Screw, * = Unhook, Unlock, Release, Unplug, or Desoldere.g., 2(L-2) = two Locking Tabs (L-2).(7): Adjustment Information for Installation(+):Refer to Deck Exploded Views for lubrication.[32] [25] Loading Arm (SP) Assembly B DM2, DM14 (+)Refer to AlignmentSec.Page 2-5-1[33] [32] Loading Arm (TU) Assembly B DM2, DM14 (+)Refer to AlignmentSec.Page 2-5-1[34] [2], [25] M Brake (TU) Assembly T DM1, DM15 *(P-7), Brake Belt[35] [2], [25] M Brake (SP) Assembly T DM1, DM15 *(P-8)[36] [35] Tension Lever Assembly T DM1, DM15[37] [36] T Lever Holder T DM15 *(L-12)[38] [34] Reel (TU)(D2) T DM1, DM15[39] [38] M Gear T DM1, DM15[40] [36] Reel (SP)(D2) T DM1, DM15[41] [32], [36] Moving Guide S Preparation T DM1, DM16[42] [33] Moving Guide T Preparation T DM1, DM16[43] [19] TG Post Assembly T DM1, DM16 *(L-13)[44] [28] Rack Assembly R DM17 (+)Refer to AlignmentSec.Page 2-5-1[45] [44] F Door Opener R DM17 *(P-9)[46] [46] Cleaner Assembly T DM1, DM6[47] [46] CL Post T DM6 *(L-14)↓(1)↓(2)↓(3)↓(4)↓(5)↓(6)↓(7)Step/Loc.No.StartingNo. PartRemoval InstallationFig. No.Remove/*Unhook/Unlock/Release/Unplug/DesolderAdjustmentCondition