142. Slide (push) cutting (cutting wide workpieces)011245Loosen two clamp screws which secure the slidepoles counterclockwise so that the carriage canslide freely. Secure the workpiece with the propertype of vise. Pull the carriage toward you fully.Switch on the tool without the blade making anycontact and wait until the blade attains full speed.Press the handle down and PUSH THECARRIAGE TOWARD THE GUIDE FENCE ANDTHROUGH THE WORKPIECE. When the cut iscompleted, switch off the tool and WAIT UNTILTHE BLADE HAS COME TO A COMPLETE STOPbefore returning the blade to its fully elevatedposition.WARNING:• Whenever performing a slide cut, first pull thecarriage full towards you and press the handleall the way down, then push the carriagetoward the guide fence. Never start the cut withthe carriage not pulled fully toward you. If youperform the slide cut without the carriage pulledfully toward you unexpected kickback may occurand serious personal injury may result.• Never attempt to perform a slide cut by pullingthe carriage towards you. Pulling the carriagetowards you while cutting may cause unexpectedkickback resulting in possible serious personalinjury.• Never perform the slide cut with the handle lockedin the lowered position.• Never loosen the knob which secures thecarriage while the blade is rotating. A loosecarriage while cutting may cause unexpectedkickback resulting in possible in serious personalinjury.3. Miter cuttingRefer to the previously covered "Adjusting the miterangle".4. Bevel cut011246Loosen the lever and tilt the saw blade to set thebevel angle (Refer to the previously covered"Adjusting the bevel angle"). Be sure to retightenthe lever firmly to secure the selected bevel anglesafely. Secure the workpiece with a vise. Make surethe carriage is pulled all the way back toward theoperator. Switch on the tool without the blademaking any contact and wait until the blade attainsfull speed. Then gently lower the handle to the fullylowered position while applying pressure in parallelwith the blade and PUSH THE CARRIAGETOWARD THE GUIDE FENCE TO CUT THEWORKPIECE. When the cut is completed, switchoff the tool and WAIT UNTIL THE BLADE HASCOME TO A COMPLETE STOP before returningthe blade to its fully elevated position.WARNING:• After setting the blade for a bevel cut, beforeoperating the tool ensure that the carriage andblade will have free travel throughout the entirerange of the intended cut. Interruption of thecarriage or blade travel during the cutting operationmay result in kickback and serious personal injury.• While making a bevel cut keep hands out of thepath of the blade. The angle of the blade mayconfuse the operator as to the actual blade pathwhile cutting and contact with the blade will result inserious personal injury.• The blade should not be raised until it hascome to a complete stop. During a bevel cut thepiece cut off may come to rest against the blade. Ifthe blade is raised while it is rotating the cut-offpiece maybe ejected by the blade causing thematerial to fragment which may result in seriouspersonal injury.NOTICE:• When pressing down the handle, apply pressure inparallel with the blade. If a force is appliedperpendicularly to the turn base or if the pressuredirection is changed during a cut, the precision ofthe cut will be impaired.