8-10 If You Have a ProblemGetting Help From NECCSD Technical SupportHelp is available to you through NECCSD TechnicalSupport. Direct assistance is available 24 hours a day,7 days a week. You can call for support, toll free, at1-888-632-2678.Free technical support for hardware is limited to the lengthof the standard warranty. Software support for pre-loadedsoftware is limited to 90 days from the time of the first callto NECCSD Technical Support. For software support afterthe initial 90 days or hardware support after the warrantyperiod, the charges are $30.00 per incident.*Before calling, please have ready your system name, modelnumber, serial number, and purchase date. Also have readyas much information as possible about the problem you arehaving, including any error messages that occurred.NECCSD Warranty/Non-Warranty Repair ServiceThe NECCSD repair service is designed to support yourwarranty and non-warranty service activity.Before you call for repair service, see the previous sectionsin this chapter to determine if you can solve the problemyourself, within your company, through your dealer, or withthe help of a technician from NECCSD Technical Support.If your system requires repair service from NECCSD, callto request repair service in the United States and Canada,call 1-888-632-2678.* Subject to change.