A-2 Setting Up a Healthy Work EnvironmentAlthough some studies have shown an association betweenincreasing hours of keyboard use and the development ofsome musculoskeletal disorders, it is still unclear whetherworking at a computer causes such disorders. Some doctorsbelieve that using the keyboard and mouse may aggravateexisting musculoskeletal disorders.Some people are more susceptible to developing thesedisorders due to preexisting conditions or psychosocialfactors (see “Preexisting Conditions and PsychosocialFactors” later in the appendix).To reduce your risk of developing these disorders, follow theinstructions in this appendix. If you experience discomfortwhile working at your computer or afterwards, even at night,contact a doctor as soon as possible. Signs of discomfortmight include pain, tenderness, swelling, burning, cramping,stiffness, throbbing, weakness, soreness, tingling and/ornumbness in the hands, wrists, arms, shoulders, neck, back,and/or legs.