- 16-Text Message ViewerText messages are displayed within the text message viewer.The following keys can be used to navigate and operate withinthe text message viewer.SMS MenuThe SMS (short messaging service) Menu within the text mes-sage viewer contains text messaging options such as lockingor unlocking a message, deleting a message, displaying moreor less message details, and displaying text messages basedon message urgency or arrival time.B Scrolls down through text messages line-by-line.E Scrolls up through text messages line-by-line.# Scrolls to the top of the next text message.* Scrolls to the top of the previous text message.S Automatically dials the contact telephone numberof text message sender if the sender provided atelephone number within the message.M Displays the short messaging service, SMS, pop-up menu. The SMS menu is detailed below.C Briefly displays the percentage of text messagememory available and the number of unread andlocked messages; then exits the text messageviewer.N Exits the text message viewer.1. LockMessage With a text message displayed, press M1 tolock a message; the lock indicator ( = ) appears onthe top line of the text message indicating the mes-sage is locked. Press M1 to unlock the mes-sage. Note that a locked message cannot bedeleted using the SMS menu delete message selec-tion; locked messages can only be deleted throughthe Message Menu ( M331 ), page 14.t2.DeleteMessage With a text message displayed, press M2 ;press 1 to delete.3.DisplaymoremsgdetailsWith a text message displayed, press M3 todisplay a more detailed message header (includesthe time and date the text message is sent andreceived); press M3 again to display a lessdetailed message header (includes only the timeand date the text message is received).4.Sortbymessageurgency5.Sortbyoldestmessage6.SortbynewestmessageWith a text message displayed:• Press M4 to display the urgent textmessages first.• Press M5 to display the oldest textmessages first.• Press M6 to display the newest textmessages first.