- 31-All MuteThe phone microphone and earpiece can be turned off or mutedduring a conversation. With a call in progress, pressM92. Press M93 to turn on the microphoneand earpiece again.UnmuteThe microphone mute and full mute settings can be cancelled bypressing M93 .0. Lock PhoneYour phone can be locked to prevent unauthorized use. To lockyour phone, press M0 . As prompted, enter your 4-digitpassword. The Lock Phone Menu is displayed.Press 1 to lock your phone; press N to exit the lockmenu. When the phone is set to lock, the lock icon ( = ) is dis-played. To unlock the phone, press M0 . As prompted,enter your 4-digit password. Press 2 to unlock your phone;press N to exit the lock menu. If the phone is unlocked, thelock icon ( = ) is not displayed.Menu ShortcutM92Menu ShortcutM93Menu ShortcutM0L o c k P h o n eM e n u1 . L o c k2 . U n l o c k