- 30-Auto PauseAn automatic pause can be inserted between sets of digits in asimilar manner as manual pauses. To enter automatic pausemarks, enter in the telephone number; press M82 . A “,”(comma) is displayed after the phone number. Enter in the nextset of digits. If necessary, press M82 to insert anotherautomatic pause and then enter in the next set of digits. Whenthe automated system telephone number is dialed, your phonewaits approximately three seconds at each automatic pausemark and then automatically transmits the remaining sets of dig-its.Link to Phone BookIf the total number of digits needed to access an automated tele-phone system exceeds the maximum 26 digits that can be trans-mitted at one time (or stored in each phone book location), thephone number can be entered and then linked to a phone booklocation containing the remaining strings of numbers. To link aphone number to a phone book record location, key in the phonenumber and press M83 ; an “L” is displayed. Enter thephone book location (1-99) containing the applicable informa-tion. Press S to dial the phone number. After the phone num-ber is dialed, the following message is displayed indicating thatthe remaining sets of digits must be sent manually be pressingS .Press SND For Manual Pause Dial9. MuteThe Mute Menu can be accessed by pressing M9 during aconversation. The Mute Menu is displayed below.Mic MuteThe phone microphone can be turned off or muted during a con-versation. With a call in progress, press M91. PressM93 to turn on the microphone again.Menu ShortcutM82Menu ShortcutM83Menu ShortcutM9S e t m u t e1 .M i c M u t e2 .A l l M u t e3 .U n m u t eMenu ShortcutM91