- 19-each time a call is either sent or received also can be eitherdigital or analog. (See the following paragraph for informa-tion on the use of digital and analog voice channels.) Toselect the voice channel type, press M422 ;then press 1 for digital call type or 2 for analog calltype. The call type/voice channel currently in use for the callin progress is indicated on the phone display by the ! iconfor digital voice channel or the / icon for analog voicechannel.Digital & Analog Voice Channels/Call TypesWith the voice channel/call type selection set to digi-tal, your phone uses a digital voice channel, as avail-able, to send and receive calls. If a digital voicechannel is not available, your phone then automati-cally searches for an analog voice channel.With the voice channel/call type selection set to ana-log, your phone only uses an analog voice channel tosend and receive calls. The restricted use of analogvoice channels is necessary if you are using a PCM-CIA data interface card with your phone to send fac-similes or communicate via modem. Note thatoperating on an analog voice channel consumes thephone battery power at a faster rate than operating ona digital voice channel.For optimum results and performance, you can setyour phone to the digital call type selection and usethe analog call type selection, as needed, for use witha data interface card.DTMF LengthYour phone can transmit tones, referred to as DTMF tones,when the keys of the phone are pressed. These tones allowyour phone to successfully communicate with automatedtelephone services such as banking transactions and creditcard inquiries. You can set your phone to transmit shorttones or long tones. (See the following paragraph for addi-tional information on short tone use and long tone use). Toselect the length of the tone, press M423 .Press 1 to select the short tone setting or press 2 toselect the long tone setting. Press N to exit the DTMFlength menu.Short Tone Use & Long Tone UseYou can access most automated systems by settingyour phone to the short tone selection. If you experi-ence any problems communicating with an automatedsystem, set the DTMF length to long and verify thatthe capability to transmit tones (see the followingmenu selection, Transmit DTMF Tone) is turned on.Note that you must press and hold a key, up to a max-imum of three seconds, to transmit a long tone.Because transmitting long tones can result in slowerdialing, you can set your phone to the short toneselection and only use the long tone selection, asneeded.?Menu ShortcutM423?