Configuring Your Server 4-15ServerOption Parameter Description Your SettingSystemManagement– System Management submenu isdisplayed.ConsoleRedirection– Console Redirection submenu isdisplayed.BMC LANConfiguration– BMC LAN Configuration submenu isdisplayed.Event LogConfiguration– Event Log Configuration submenu isdisplayed.Assert NMI onPERRDisabled[Enabled]Specify whether to support PCI PERR ornot.Assert NMI onSERRDisabled[Enabled]Specify whether to support PCI SERR ornot.FRB-2 Policy Disable FRB2TimerDisable BSPDo Not DisableBSP[Retry 3 Times]Set the FRB level 2 timer.Boot Monitoring [Disabled]5 Minutes10 minutes15 minutes20 minutes25 minutes30 minutes35 minutes40 minutes45 minutes50 minutes55 minutes60 minutesSpecify whether to enable or disable theboot monitoring function on booting, orselect the time limit for timeout.To use this function, install NECESMPRO Agent. Set this item to"Disabled" if the system is booted fromOS without installation of NECESMPRO Agent.Boot MonitoringPolicy[Retry 3 Times]Always ResetSpecify the processing at theoccurrence of timeout during bootmonitoring.If [Retry 3 times] is selected, the systemis reset after the occurrence of timeoutand OS boot is retried up to three times.If [Always Reset] is selected, the systemis reset after the occurrence of timeoutand OS boot is retried repeatedly.* If no service partition exists in thesystem, OS boot is retried repeatedlyfrom the system partition.Thermal Sensor Disabled[Enabled]Specify whether to enable or disable thethermal sensor monitoring function. If athermal error is detected with this itembeing set to "Enabled", the system stopsat the end of POST.BMC IRQ Disabled[IRQ 11]Determines routing of the BMCinterrupt.