Installing Windows Server 2008 5-33The procedure to set PAE optionIf your 32-bit system has a memory capacity in excess of 4GB, setting PAE option will enable thesystem to be installed with over 4GB of memory.IMPORTANT: "PAE option" is not supported on Windows Server2008 Standard.In Windows Server 2008 system, the PAE option can be set by using Bcdedit.exe.The setting procedure is as follows.1. Click [Run] on [Start] menu.2. Type "cmd.exe" in the [Open:] box to start command prompt.3. Execute following command line.bcdedit /set pae forceenable4. Restart the system.The setting mentioned above enables after reboot.5. Execute following command line on command prompt.bcdeditConfirm "pae ForceEnable" exists in "Windows boot loader".The setting for PAE option is now completed.Refer following site about Bcdedit.exe."Boot Configuration Data Editor Frequently Asked Questions"