Troubleshooting 10-17Error Messages on Virtual LCDNEC EXPRESSSCOPE Engine 2 (Remote Management Controller) on your server board allowsyou to monitor the server status on the WEB browser-based screen of the client PC via network.The virtual LCD (16 digits x 2 lines) in the "Host Information" area displays the POST codes andstatus message.When POST detects an error, the POST error code is displayed on the virtual LCD upon completionof POST. See the table for POST error codes for details.POWER ONATTENTIONVirtual LCD Status indicatorsMessage send from BIOSMessage send from BMCExample:Messages displayed on upper line (BIOS message)On-screen message Description ActionXX BIOS Rev XXXX POST in progress.XX: POST code, YYYY: BIOS versionWait until POST completes.Prepare To Boot POST completes normally.Mem Reconfigured POST completes with memory degraded. Contact your servicerepresentative.Mem Err Disable A correctable memory error frequentlyoccurred.CPU Reconfigured POST completes with processordegraded.Memory C-Err XX A correctable error frequently occurs inDIMM #XX.Memory U-Err XX An uncorrectable error has occurred inDIMM #XX.PCI Bus SERR XX A SERR has occurred in the PCI bus XX.PCI Bus PERR XX A PERR has occurred in the PCI bus XX.Chipset Err XXXX A chipset error occurred.