10-36 TroubleshootingProblems with Autorun MenuCannot read documents: Do you have Adobe Reader installed correctly in your system?→ Some documents are supplied with PDF format. To read the document of PDFformat, Adobe Reader is required in your system. Is the operating system Windows XP SP2 (or later)?→ With Windows XP SP2 (or later), the following information may appear inbrowser."To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file fromshowing active content that could access your computer.Click here for options..."1. Click the Information Bar.The shortcut menu appears.2. Click [Allow blocked content].The security alert dialog box appears.3. Click [Yes] on dialog box.The menu fails to appear: Is your system Windows XP or later, or Windows 2003 or later?→ The Autorun menu is supported by Windows XP/Windows 2003 or later.→ If your system runs on Windows 2000, you need to setup IE6.0 before using themenu.→ The menu is not available for Windows 2008 server core environment. Is Shift pressed?→ Setting the DVD/CD with Shift pressed down cancels the Autorun feature. Is the system in the proper state?→ The menu may not appear depending on the system registry setting or the timingto set the DVD/CD. In such a case, eject the disk from the disk drive once andinsert it again.Some menu items are grayed-out: Is your system environment correct?→ The menu items are grayed-out when the logon user does not have the authority ofthe Administrator or the system does not meet the requirements to install theapplication. Login with the user having the proper authority on the proper system,and try again.