4 GlossaryAT busThe AT bus system with support chips (DMA, PIC, etc) and a16-bit bus slot. The AT bus is strictly defined by ISA.audioRelating to or capable of producing sound. Multimediacomputers make extensive use of audio.AVIA digital movie format created by Microsoft. AVI is short for“audio/video interleave,” a method of including a digital movieand its accompanying sound in the same file. Files in the AVIformat have the .AVI extension.Bbad sectorPart of a hard drive or diskette drive storage medium thatdoesn’t hold data. Formatting generally detects and marksthese areas so they won’t be used. Certain utility programs do,too, and it is a good idea to run this type of utility occasionallyto prevent data loss if the condition of the drive changes.bandwidthA measure of how much information something can carry.Specifically, data path times frequency. For example, the ISAbus has a data path of 16 bits (it can send 16 bits at a time) andtypically operates at 8.33 MHz, so it has a bandwidth of 133.28megabits per second (Mbps).base RAMArea of system memory between 0 and 640 kilobytes availableto the user for operating system and application programs.