3-18 Configuring the SystemAdvanced Menu ItemsMenu Item Settings (default is bold) and DescriptionPalette Snooping Disabled, EnabledSet palette snooping (also called RAMDACshadowing) to Enabled when an ISA graphicsdevice is installed under the following conditions:An ISA board connects to PCI graphics board viathe VESA compatible feature connector.The ISA board connects to a color monitor.The board used RAMDAC on PCI board.Palette snooping is broken on the PCI board.AGP Aperture size 64 MB, 256 MBChoose the amount of memory that is to beshared between graphics and system functions.Resource Configuration Bring up the submenu by pressing Enter.IRQ3IRQ4IRQ5IRQ7IRQ10IRQ11IRQ14 **IRQ15 **Available, ReservedAn Available setting for any IRQ indicates thatthat IRQ is available on the system. A Reservedsetting indicates that that IRQ is reserved for useby Legacy ISA devices.** This option appears only if the secondary IDEchannel is disabled.Memory Hole Disabled, Conventional, ExtendedThe Disabled setting indicates that there is nohole enabled in upper memory. Conventionalindicates a 128-KB conventional memory hole inthe system RAM starting at 512 KB. Extendedindicates a 1 MB extended memory hole insystem RAM starting at 15 MB.