Configuring the System 3-39If you click Continue, the system performs FDISK usingthe FAT type you selected and reboots the system. Afterthe reboot, all partitions are formatted. When all thepartitions have been formatted, the OS loads from theCD. The Installing Applications screen appears. Thisscreen also displays the version of Windows OS beinginstalled.The other software components required for the operatingsystem are also loaded from the CD.After the OS finishes loading, the “Operating SystemRestore Completed” screen appears.9. Remove the CD from the CD tray.10. Click OK to reboot.This completes the Custom Rebuild and Restore procedure.To install any of the applications or device drivers that camewith the computer, follow the procedures in “InstallingApplications.”To install device drivers that did not come with yourcomputer, follow the procedures in “NEC Driver CD.”Install the applications or drivers that were not provided byNEC by using the vendor diskette(s) or CD-ROM(s) includedin its original packaging.Restoring the Operating SystemTo perform an OS Restore only (the “Fix OS” procedure) forsystems running the Windows 95 or Windows 98 operatingsystem, boot the system from the Select Install CD. When thesystem boots from the CD, it automatically loads the MS-DOS-based Operating System Restore program.