14 SuperScript Color Laser Network GuideUsing BOOTPL32First follow these directions to set up TCP/IP in Windows95/98 and Windows NT 4.0:Installing the TCP/IP Protocol1. In Windows, open the Network control panel.2. If TCP/IP Protocol is not installed, install it in thefollowing step (in Windows 95).a. Select Configuration Tab in the Network controlpanel and click Add button.b. When Select Network Component Type dialog box isdisplayed, select Protocol and click Add button.c. When Select Network Protocol dialog box isdisplayed, select Microsoft and TCP/IP and click OKbutton.d. Then, TCP/IP Protocol is installed.e. Restart. The new protocol and service will not beavailable until system is restarted.Assigning the IP AddressUse BOOTPL32 to set the IP address and other TCP/IPparameters manually. You can also use ARP/ping commandsif you prefer.1. Insert the SuperScript Color Laser CD.2. Launch BOOTPL32In Windows access the CD ROM drive and launchBOOTPL32 from the bootp directoryor Type E:\BOOTP\BOOTPL32.EXE from the Start>Rundialog box.