Assigning the IP Address 15IP A DDRESS3. Select Configure from the Admin menu.a. Enter the IP address to assign to the printer.b. Enter the subnet mask.c. Enter the default gateway address (if applicable) orleave blank.d. Enter the hardware address of your printer. Thisaddress is listed on the Network Settings page underNetwork Address, for example,00:40:af:c9:f0:d8. Enter it exactly as it appearson the Network Settings page.4. Click on Go to send the new settings to the printer.After a few minutes (usually between 1 and 2 minutes, butpossibly up to 5 minutes on very large or busy networks), theprinter will reset and print a Network Settings page. The newIP settings will be listed in the TCP/IP Network Informationsection of the Network Settings page.If the new IP address does not appear on the NetworkSettings page under “Protocol Address,” you may haveentered the hardware address incorrectly in BOOTPL32.Repeat Steps 2 and 3, and check the IP address on the newNetwork Settings page.The new IP address can also be verified in BOOTPL32 byturning the printer off and on, and selecting Verify from theAdmin menu. It should report that the Unit is Active.Using ARPYou can use the following procedure to set the IP address onthe printer. Then, you can set the other IP parameters fromthe Network Administration page. The network printer mustbe on the same network segment as the workstation that youare using to configure it. The TCP/IP stack must be installedand operating.1. From Windows, start an MS DOS session.2. At the command prompt enter: arp -s[IP address] [Hardware Address](for the hardware address, use hyphens as separators,instead of colons.)(e.g. >C:arp -s 00-40-0f-12-34-56)Then enter ping [IP address](request should time out)(e.g. >C:ping Turn the printer off and on, and use the ping commandagain to verify that the printer has its IP address. If it hasthe address, the result is a confirmation message: [IPaddress] is alive4. Remove the entry from the ARP cache using thiscommand: arp -d [IP address](e.g. >C:arp -d