Remote Printing 41W EB P RINTING S ETUP R EMOTE P RINTING5. During installation, you will be prompted with the AddRedipS Enabled Printer... dialog box to enter the URL (IPAddress or fully qualified DNS name) of your printer.Click Install so it can be added to your system as thedefault printer (D).6. When installation is finished, you can see the specialNEC PrintAgent driver icon in the printer’s window byselecting Settings and then Printers from the WindowsStart menu (E).7. Restart your computer for the new driver to take effect.note: You can also install Remote Printing softwarefrom the SuperScript CD that came with your printer.Simply choose NEC PrintAgent from the SelectComponents dialog box during Custom/Network Clientinstallation (F).Remote Printing From Your DesktopNow you can print as usual from your applications—justselect Print from the File menu and choose PrintAgentprinter. The jobs will be sent to the printer using browsertechnology, and you will receive instant printer status reportsfrom the PrintAgent Status window.The Add RedipS Enabled Printer Dialog BoxSelect Components Dialog BoxThe Printer’s WindowD EF