The Shooting MenuMenu Guide—The Shooting Menu140OKImage SharpeningAutoNormalLowHighNoneSHOOTING MENUMaking Edges More Distinct: Image SharpeningWhen you take a photograph, the camera auto-matically processes the image to increase the dis-tinction between light and dark areas, making thepicture appear sharper. The options in the ImageSharpening menu give you control over theamount of sharpening performed.Option DescriptionThe camera automatically adjusts sharpening according to thesubject and how other camera settings are adjusted. Amountof sharpening performed varies from shot to shot. For bestresults, use a type G or D lens.(default)AutoCamera performs same standard level of sharpening on all im-ages.NormalSharpening performed, but edges are not sharpened as muchas they are in Normal mode.LowImages processed for increased sharpness.HighNo sharpening performed.None