iiTo prevent damage to your Nikon product or injury to yourself or to others,read the following safety precautions in their entirety before using this equip-ment. Keep these safety instructions where all those who use the product willread them.The consequences that could result from failure to observe the precautions listedin this section are indicated by the following symbol:WARNINGSDo not look at the sun through theviewfinderViewing the sun or other strong lightsource through the viewfinder couldcause permanent visual impairment.Turn off immediately in the eventof malfunctionShould you notice smoke or an un-usual smell coming from the equip-ment or from the AC adapter (avail-able separately), unplug the ACadapter and remove the battery im-mediately, taking care to avoid burns.Continued operation could result ininjury. After removing the battery,take the equipment to a Nikon-autho-rized service center for inspection.Do not use in the presence of flam-mable gasDo not use electronic equipment inthe presence of flammable gas, as thiscould result in explosion or fire.Do not place strap around neckPlacing the camera strap around yourneck could result in strangulation.Special care should be taken to avoidplacing the strap around the neck ofan infant or child.Do not disassembleTouching the product’s internal partscould result in injury. In the event ofa malfunction, the product should berepaired only by a qualified technician.Should the product break open as theresult of a fall or other accident, re-move the battery and/or AC adapterand then take the product to a Nikon-authorized service center for inspec-tion.Observe proper precautions whenhandling batteriesBatteries may leak or explode if im-properly handled. Observe the follow-ing precautions when handling batter-ies for use in this product:• Be sure the product is off before re-placing the battery. If you are using anAC adapter, be sure it is unplugged.• Use only batteries approved for use inthis equipment.• Do not attempt to insert the batteryupside down or backwards.• Do not short or disassemble the bat-tery.• Do not expose the battery to flame orto excessive heat.• Do not immerse in or expose to water.• Do not transport or store with metalobjects such as necklaces or hairpins.For Your SafetyThis icon marks warnings, information that should be read before us-ing your Nikon product to prevent possible injury.