Getting to Know the CameraThe Viewfinder Display1 -=----.....----r--___.: [I J :[ .~ELr.JE: fl.E: ~;;~~[E: E:.E:1K~[7J7Number of exposures remaining ...... 28,178Number of shots remaining beforememory buffer fills 55, 178Preset white balance recordingindicator 106• Exposure compensation value 67Flash compensation value 68Active D-Lighting indicator 69PC connection indicator 82Dust off ref photo mode indicator 127m Flash-ready indicator 33m Battery indicator 29I Electronic analog exposure display .45Exposure compensation 67Rangefinder 116I'll ISO auto indicator 53, 112II~~e(~~g~~~x;~:~r:~.~.~.~.. ~.~.~~.~~~.~~~ .. 29mWarning indicator 13, 172B The ViewfinderThe response time and brightness of the viewfinder may vary with temperature. This is normal anddoes not indicate a malfunction.• Focus points 26, 30, 58, 59,60II Focus indicator 32, 61I :~~~r:~~:d~:~I:~ •...•.•••.•••..•.~~:~~:~.~:.~.~::~II Autoexposure (AE) lock 63II Flexible program indicator 41II Shutter speed 39-46I Aperture (f-number) 39-46Noise reduction indicator 108I i~~~~a~~~~~~'.~tl~~68, 113II Exposure compensation indicator 67