Shooting Particular Scenes --------------Getting Good Results with AutofocusAutofocus does not perform well under the conditions listed below. The shutterrelease may be disabled if the camera is unable to focus under these conditions,or the in-focus indicator (e) may be displayed and the camera may sound abeep, allowing the shutter to be released even when the subject is not in focus. Inthese cases, use manual focus (fl61) or use focus lock (fl60) to focus onanother subject at the same distance and then recompose the photograph.The subject containsmany fine details(e.g., a field of flowersor other subjects thatare small or lackvariation in brightness).The focus pointcontains areas ofsharply contrastingbrightness (e.g., thesubject is half in theshade).The focus pointcontains objects atdifferent distancesfrom the camera (e.g.,the subject is inside acage).Background objectsappear larger thanthe subject (e.g.,focus point containsboth foregroundsubject and distant bUildings).The subject isdominated byregular geometricpatterns (e.g., a rowof windows in askyscraper).There is little or nocontrast betweenthe subject and thebackground (e.g., thesubject is the samecolor as the background).38