3942. This warranty will not cover:• necessary maintenance and repair or replacement of partsdue to normal wear and tear.• modifications to upgrade the product from its normalpurpose as described in user manuals, without the priorwritten consent of Nikon.• transport costs and all risks of transport relating directly orindirectly to the warranty of the products.• any damage resulting from modifications or adjustmentswhich may be made to the product, without the priorwritten consent of Nikon, in order to comply with local ornational technical standards in force in any other countrythan the ones for which the product was originallydesigned and/or manufactured.3. The warranty will not be applicable in the case of:• damage caused by misuse including but not limited tofailure to use the product for its normal purpose oraccording to the user instructions on the proper use andmaintenance, and to installation or use of the productinconsistent with the safety standards in force in thecountry where it is used.• damage caused by accidents including but not limited tolightning, water, fire, misuse or neglect.• defacing, illegibility or removal of the model or serialnumber on the product.• damage resulting from repairs or adjustments which havebeen conducted by unauthorized service organizations orpersons.• defects in any system into which the product isincorporated or with which it is used.