NISSEI CORPORATION E6581815F-176Starting frequency Output frequency (Hz)0Operation signal (F-CC)TimeONOFF6.5 Operation frequency6.5.1 Starting frequency : Starting frequency FunctionThe frequency set with is put out as soon as operation is started.[Parameter setting]Title Function Adjustment range Default setting Starting frequency 0.1-10.0 (Hz) Run/stop control with frequency setting signals : Operation starting frequency : Operation starting frequency hysteresis FunctionThe Run/stop of operation can be controlled simply with frequency setting signals.[Parameter setting]Title Function Adjustment range Default setting Operation starting frequency 0.0- (Hz) 0.0 Operation starting frequency hysteresis 0.0- (Hz) 0.00 A B 100% Frequency command value + - When the frequency command signalreaches the B point, the inverteroperates.When decelerating, operation stopswhen the frequency setting signal is lessthan point A.Output frequency [Hz]