WLAN AP ROUTER 802.11N78SecurityThis page allows you setup the wireless security. Turn on WEPor WPA by using Encryption Keys could prevent anyunauthorized access to your wireless network. To access theWireless Network Security page:From the left-hand Wireless menu, click on Security. Thefollowing page is displayed:Field DescriptionSelect SSID Select the SSIDEncryption Configure the Encryption to Disable, WEP, WPA , WPA2 or WPA-MixedUse 802.1xAuthenticationUse 802.1x Authentication by WEP 64bits or WEP 128bitsAuthentication Configure the Authentication Mode to Open System, Shared Key orAutoKey Length Select the Key Length 64-bit or 128-bitKey Format Select the Key Format ASCII (5 characters), Hex (10 characters), ASCII(13 characters) or Hex (26 characters)Encryption Key Enter the Encryption KeyWPAAuthenticationModeConfigure the WPA Authentication Mode to Enterprise (RADIUS) orPersonal (Pre-Shared Key)WPA CipherSuiteConfigure the WPA Cipher Suite to TKIP and/or AES