MUSIC ON HOLDMusic On Hold (MOH) sends music to calls on Hold,parked calls and calls transferred to a busy extension. Themusic lets the caller know that his call is waiting, not for-gotten. Without an external source for Music On Hold, thesystem provides a synthesized melody (Home SweetHome). The external source requires a customer-providedmusic source (i.e., tape deck, receiver, etc.).Note:In accordance with U.S. copyright law, a license may berequired from the American Society of Composers,Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) or other similar organi-zations, if radio, television broadcasts or music and othermaterial not in the public domain are transmitted throughthe Music-On-Hold feature of telecommunications systems.Nitsuko America hereby disclaims any liability arising outof the failure to obtain such a license.Conditions:l To turn off the synthesized Music On Hold, either installan Auxiliary PCB in the system or install the Music OnHold jumper (P/N 82411). Refer to the hardware manualfor further information.l A relay can be programmed to close any time a call is onHold. This would be used to turn on a Message-on-Holdtape player.Default Configuration: Internal Music on Hold available.ProgrammingRequired ProgrammingNoneOther ProgrammingProgram 56 - Relay AssignmentAssign a relay number for external Music on Hold [0=notassigned, 1=Door Box 1, 2=Door Box 2, 3=externalMusic on Hold, 4=Background Music].Related FeaturesBackground MusicMusic on Hold and Background Music can share thesame music source.(Continued on next page)824+ Available308+ Available105