PROGRAM 9In the 824 System, assign a Park Group to each exten-sion. Only extensions within the same Park Group canpick up each other’s Parked calls. If all CO lines areprogrammed to display at an extension, this optionisn’t required for call pick-up for that extension.[0=disabled, 1-4=Park Groups 1-4]Programs 5 and 8 can both assign the same unused exten-sion port. However, the port will function only for one taskon a first-in-first-out basis.Conditions:l When programming 8 [A.] for a DISA port, any keysetconnected to the port must first be removed before pro-gramming for DISA.l Telephones can not be installed on ports that are pro-grammed for Unsupervised Conference or DISA.Default Value:[A.] 0 (KTS)[B.] 1 (Dial Plan 2)[C.] 1 (Internal Page Zones 1-4)[D.] 0 (No Tenant Groups)[E.] 0 (824 System only -No Park Groups)Feature ReferenceDIRECT INWARD SYSTEM ACCESS PAGINGDIRECTED CALL PICKUP SPEED DIALLAST NUMBER REDIAL TENANT SERVICEMEET-ME CONFERENCEProgram EntryExt. port # + * + ABCDE + *.PROGRAM 9 - EXECUTIVE CALL FORWARD(Display shows: EXEC.CALL FWD)Assign ‘executive/secretary’ pairs for Executive Call Forward.Up to eight pairs can be formed. All eight executive exten-sions can be paired with the same secretary extension.Conditions: NoneDefault Value:l 00 (no Executive extension assigned)l 00 (no Secretary extension assigned)Feature ReferenceC ALL FORWARDINGProgram EntryFor first Call Forwarding Pair, enter Executive’s ext. + * +Secretary’s ext. + *.172