TENANT SERVICEThe system administrator can divide the system into fourindividual tenant groups. Typically, each tenant group hastheir own attendant, outside lines and paging zones. TenantService lets the system administrator use the same systemfor several different businesses. If an extension user dials 0,they reach their own operator. In addition, outside calls toand from one tenant don’t interfere with the other. Finally,members of one tenant group hear only their own ZonePaging, not Paging from another group.Conditions: NoneDefault Configuration: All extensions are in the sametenant group (assigned to theoperator at extension 10).ProgrammingRequired ProgrammingProgram 2 - Line Group AssignmentAssign lines to line groups for incoming and outgoingaccess [01-system maximum=extension numbers; enterthe lowest and highest line number].Program 6 - Outgoing Line AccessSelect line groups for each extension for outgoing access[00-no group, 01-30=Line Groups 1-30].Program 7 - Incoming Line Access/AudibleSelect line groups for each extension for incoming accessand line audible [Access - 00-no group, 01-30=LineGroups 1-30; Audible - 0=no ring, 1=day ring, 2=nightring, 3=day and night ring].Program 8 - Extension Options (2) - [D.] Tenant GroupAssign a Tenant Group to each extension, if necessary[0=disabled, 1-4=Tenant Groups 1-4].Program 15 - System Options (1) - [B.] Night TransferNight Answer can be independently used by each tenant ifthis option is allowed [0=all Tenants, 1=each Tenant].Program 52 - Tenant OptionsProgram Intercom and Internal Paging [0=enabled, 1=dis-abled], set the Common Speed Dial [0=common use,1=assigned Speed Dial] and Transfer to Attendant(Continued on next page)824+ Available308+ Available149